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  • Writer's pictureAngry Lump

Daddies cause Daddy Issues

"Daddy issues" or "fatherless behaviour" is the go-to insult for girls and women with various struggles who happen to have had no father figure. Now, daddy issues are called that for a reason, and I'm not sure how they became a way to ridicule the victims. Deadbeat fathers are a cancer to society, but imagine going "Haha, cancerous behaviour" to a lung cancer patient coughing up blood.

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My father acknowledged that I am his biological child. And that was it. My mother never saw a penny of child support. Being prideful, and also pitying him a bit for his inability to maintain financial security, she never sued him for it. She should have. God damnit, she should have.

Cow milk is made by cows. Daddy issues are made by...

Because it's not just the money. It's never just the money with absent fathers. Try to reconnect, I dare you. You'll be jumping through hoops trying to be the daughter you think he wants, You'll be doing free labour to connect with him through whatever work he does or project he's dreaming about. You'll be in tears begging him to use his goddamn words to tell you what you have to do to be treated with the same appreciation as his good-for-nothing son from a previous marriage. You'll be fighting anxiety attacks while opening overdue notices because he let his sister steal your share of your grandmother's inheritance cash, because you were never worth fighting for to him. And there it is, the rage you'd ridicule as "daddy issues", but remember every issue is named after what caused it.

Don't screw children into this world if you're gonna screw them over.

Honestly, just pull your dick out of that vagina, put a condom on it, and only then, put it back in. No single mother is ever entirely to blame for deadbeat fathers. My mother could be blamed for physically removing me from my father's life, but living continents apart doesn't mean I don't need financial help from a small business owner known to brag - and appear in the media - with his success.

Whenever you mock a girl for "fatherless behaviour", you are blaming her for not having had a father figure. It's like blaming a child with fetal alcohol syndrome for their mother's drinking. There isn't a daughter in the world who can be blamed on her father abandoning her. And so, there isn't a daughter in the world who is responsible for her daddy issues.

But women have always been blamed for the vices of men, even those considered typical male or masculine behaviour and celebrated. Men, not women or their fatherless daughters, have declared it a "king move" to get a woman to sleep with them, even knock her up, and then abandon her, rinse and repeat. Men have declared it a virture to hang on to their definition of freedom for as long as possible - which often includes chaining women to single motherhood. Because, you know, Kyle was still busy being "free", such a "king". Men raise men to abhor commitment. Men are raised under "boys will be boys", with zero accountability to their female peers, always ready to pull some neat mental gymnastics move to dump the blame for the harm they do to the women in their lives, on said women. He raped her? She seduced him. He beats her? She's difficult. He abandons her pregnant? She should have kept her legs closed. You know. When he promised her love, or used other deception, or when he got her drunk, or guilt-tripped or otherwise pressured her into opening said legs. It's always the woman's fault, ever since the myth of Adam & Eve. It's always on the woman, even when Mr. Pickupartist devised an elaborate scheme to get into her pants. And even when that woman is the deadbeat man's newborn daughter.

The patriarchy has given men a million means of controlling, manipulating, and oppressing women. Blaming women for shitty male behaviour that starts when said women are still inside another woman's uterus, strikes me as overkill.

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